
Breathtaking White Lilies Bouquet

This bouquet has as its main flower the lilium, also known as lily, lily, fleur-de-lis or martagon. Four fantastic flowers of this species in a nice and fresh white color adorn the Seville bouquet. The composition is completed with six branched flowers and a filling of green spring leaves. The bouquet contains a natural jute sack base. The lily is the perfect flower to decorate interiors, especially sunny places with lots of light, since they represent purity and unconditional love. It is one of the most used flowers in the processions of Holy Week in Seville and a symbol of Andalusia.

Valencia flowers  -  Sevilla Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Valencia flowers  -  Sevilla Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Valencia flowers  -  Sevilla Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Valencia flowers  -  Sevilla Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: flor-1837
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Valencia flowers  -  Sevilla Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Valencia flowers  -  Sevilla Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Valencia flowers  -  Sevilla Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Valencia flowers  -  Sevilla Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Breathtaking White Lilies Bouquet

  • Elevate your space with the Seville Bouquet, featuring exquisite lilium flowers in a fresh white hue
  • Composed of four stunning lilium blooms, six branched flowers, and vibrant green spring leaves
  • The bouquet is anchored in a natural jute sack base, adding rustic charm to your decor
  • Ideal for bright interiors, lilium flowers symbolize purity and unconditional love
  • Embrace the essence of Andalusia with this floral arrangement, perfect for Holy Week processions
  • Bring a touch of elegance and tradition to your surroundings with the Seville Bouquet
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